Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Cookies

As I have embarked on this journey of mine I took time to realize something yesterday.  I haven't really started dieting yet.  I came upon this revelation as I was shoving Christmas Cookies down my throat.  Probably not the best dieting method, but maybe if I chew them really fast it will burn calories?  OR maybe if I just dissect the cookies to remove the chocolate chips I will cut the calorie count in half?  No? ...just a suggestion.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The beginning

I have been "overweight" most of my life. Growing up my brother gave me affectionate nicknames such as: "Twinkie-eater" and "Haus".  My teen years were filled with low self-esteem and almost no confidence in myself. My comfort of course was a big bag of chips or a nice cupcake or three.  During college, I finally found myself in a place of confidence and acceptance of my size.  Turns out, I'm adorable. Then as life continued I found myself in a job that is slightly stressful (i guess all jobs are stressful, that's why they have to pay us to actually show up for work) and since then I have watched my scale numbers climb.  I didn't realized just how much weight I had gained until recently.  There are three very major events that occurred that had me almost in tears. 

Event #1:  On a whim I purchased some clearance novelty underroos, and on accident found myself grabbing a size 9.  Upon opening the package I found myself poking fun at the "granny panties" and at how huge they looked.  For giggles I went to the bathroom and tried them on.  I thought it would be a huge self esteem boost to see how big they were on me.  Then I got them on...and they fit perfectly.    ...then I cried.   ...a lot.

Event #2:  I found some killer New Years Eve dresses on SUPER SALE.  I gathered dresses  in all colors and styles.  I picked up my usual L or XL or size 13.  I barely got the L over my side saddle hips and I am almost certain I broke a zipper out of the size 13 dress.  I chalked it up to designers making the clothes smaller for "couture lines" and promptly walked out of the store with only a sweater shrug in hand.

Event #3:  A picture in fact does say a thousand words or a few really powerful ones.  This specific picture said "Oh my god, I look like a moo-cow!"

Thus bringing us to the traditional new years resolution of "I want to lose some weight."  However, seeing as how I have been a dieting failure for twenty years or so I figured maybe if I talk about my food sins I will be able to see myself for the food addict I am.

Hi, my name is *Miss C* and I am a food junkie.