River Walk is another place we will be visiting.
We will be leaving in a week and a half for New Orleans and a 4 day stay in Texas. I am super excited that we are getting to take a vacation. We are young, have no children, good jobs, so WHY NOT go?!?!
No one wants to look like a beluga whale in their vacation pictures.
I am currently putting a really really BIG goal on my head. I want to be at least 175 pounds (even less wouldn't hurt my feelings) when we go on vacation. That will by no means will make me look like a skinny hot bod blonde in my pictures, BUT I feel like having such an awesome adventure ahead of me could really benefit my motivation. That means in the next 12 days, I need to lose at least 7 pounds. That would also put me at a weight loss total of 20 pounds since January. I believe it is a reachable goal, and here is why...
When you hit a plateau where nothing you are doing really makes any changes, you need a new motivation to make the changes you have to in order to continue seeing results. The same few pounds I keep fighting are hanging around because I hadn't really added a steady routine of exercise into my lifestyle. I am, like most people, not really enticed by the idea of having to participate in "cardio" and blah blah blah...so I am hit and miss with when I choose to exercise. I want my weight to magically fall off of me in the middle of the night.
SO, with that said, I encourage anyone and everyone to ask me how I am doing on my 12 day goal. I want others to keep me accountable as I would hope I could be a help to anyone else. Ask me on facebook, comment on here, text me if you have my number. Get all up in my business! I want to take charge of this and see results!
Today, Wednesday 20th, my current weigh in is:
182 pounds
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