Tuesday, April 19, 2011


A girl needs chocolate. 

maybe it's the caffeine.

maybe it's the sugar rush.

but I believe on a much deeper level, that chocolate was put on earth as a natural drug that women could use to treat worries and anxiety. 

Now how does chocolate accompany a dieting regimen?  

Chocolate Cheerios.

God Bless General Mills for creating a whole grain product that resembles the taste of chocolate. 

It's not exactly the same as a snickers or a hershey, however, they get the job done.

So, Thank you General Mills.  Thank you for creating yet another way for women to consume CHOCOLATE.

weight: 189.2  (*I lost 0.6 oz)


  1. I am not sure that I will be giving you sound advice, but there are I like the Yoplait Whips in chocolate and the Fiber One Plus bars have some very tasty chocolate along with that crunch you so crave. I have not however checked the nutrition value of these. I just assume they are healthy. :)

  2. The Fiber Bars aren't terrible, 140 calories per bar. I like them just fine, and that could be a sound option for next time.

    Yoplait whips are just a mini snack for me. I feel like the yogurt is gone before I even get started. However, I am thinking that I will substitute my yogurt for a Sugar/Fat Free Chocolate Pudding for when I am in my time of need.

    THANKS for your suggestions! It really got me thinking.
