Thursday, January 23, 2014

perspective and prioritizing

right now I am struggling to be able to talk about my little "diet" fiascoes that I cause for myself when I know there is someone in the hospital that just wants to talk on her own.

I get to eat food. REAL food. ANY kind of food I want.
She only gets a tube of food.

I get to GET UP every morning. Walk around, hug my loved ones.  Use all my extremities how I please.
She can't really move at all on her own.

So sure I could be writing about Special K cracker chips or how gross I think Greek yogurt is, but right now those things don't seem to matter much when you compare it to the grand scheme of things.

It seems a little selfish, contrite even, of me to be so concerned with a pound or two when I am so blessed to be UP and LIVING my life as I please.

It's all about prioritizing.
What is important and meaningful?

Now, at some point my perspective will change.
My priorities will shift.
I may even let you know about my favorite craze at the moment.  But I do hope to keep a piece of what all this is teaching me. 

I have a GOOD LIFE.

So what's a pound or two right now, when I have all this to think about and be thankful for?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

annnnnd cancer

so pneumonia was the least of our worries.
cancer is.

cancer in her lung.
on her liver.
maybe even the brain.

my uncle died from complications caused by his cancer medication.
my dad's dad died from cancer.
my aunt died from cancer. mom has breast cancer and she is a poster child for early detection.
my cousin's little girl had cancer and is a survivor.

how is it possible that so many of us watch our family members have to go through this awful illness?
Is there really "more cancer" now or are we just better at finding out what is wrong with our family before it is too late?

There are millions of dollars being spent each year to "find a cure" with no cure to be found.  However, there have been plenty of advancements that are helping people find it earlier or get better treatments.

There are lists of SUPER FOODS that are suppose to help you keep cancer away, yet healthy people still get diagnosed with cancer every day.

Cancer isn't picky.  It will pick ANYONE. 
Healthy or sick.
Preventative or Self Inflicting.
Old or young.
Nice or Mean.

Just hold the ones you love.
Watch them closely.
Make sure you don't waste the life you have.

and if the time comes where you might have to cross cancer's long, rocky bridge...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

a version of yesterdays blog today

Yesterday, my intentions were to keep it light hearted and discuss the cause effect relationship between hospitals and eating poorly; maybe even post the websites for nutrition information for some fast food places I frequent.  Then the keys got away from me and decided her story was way more important to talk about than my own. 

And that story is still is more important.
She is getting her ventilator removed today.  Really this is up to her at this point.  No one truly know what will happen or even what has happened to her since she has been in there.  I think she is still in there fighting.  We will find out today what is going to happen.  She has responded most to hearing about her grandkids (this is her grandkids and great niece at Culvers---I will get to that in a second).

Some of our family has been in a hotel for a week.  Some of our family has been stranded at home with no way of being there.  Some of our family are states away with only brief phone updates to suffice their need to be with her.  Some of us just travel back and forth as much as they can (the snow stopped me a couple of days).

Regardless of location, age, relationship to her; sister, brother, son, niece, or nephew, I am more than certain of one thing.  None of us are really taking care of ourselves the way we should.  And isn't that ironic?  We are worried and distraught because she is in this position because she doesn't take care of herself the way she should (*and believe me she does NOT take care of herself the way she should pretty much EVER) and yet here we are completely abandoning any sense of what we need to do for our own health.

We aren't sleeping enough or well enough.
We aren't eating the right way or enough.
We are stressed and anxious.
We are, at this point, not listening to our own complaints.
How does one fix that problem?  probably a lot more self control than I have. 

I know that at least 4 times since my husband and I have gone to visit, a proper meal has gone by the way side and fast food has been the replacement.  It was easy.  It was quick.  I am too tired and unfocused to care or deal with any real cooking. I am more than certain deep fried cheese is NOT healthy on any level. So yesterday I took my lunch with me.  Nothing fancy.  A sandwich, pretzels, an orange, and fruit snacks.

...I thought I was going to starve to death.
May that be the stress, the waiting, the dormancy of body I am not completely sure.  I do know that the behaviors we have all been engaging in are not right, but none of us can bring ourselves to fix it right now.

 I guess the main point of all this is:

If we are going to complain about how one doesn't take care of herself----we ALL need to take a long hard look in the mirror and decide---are we taking care of OURSELVES the right way either?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

family health

My loving grouchy old Aunt (by the way if you knew her you would know this is a pretty accurate description written with love) has been in the hospital since New Years Eve.  Obviously this lady knows how to party right?

Well, she has a whole load of hereditary health issues (as well as a couple of self inflicted ones) which include:
Congestive Heart Failure
Diabetes and Kidney Failure
Stroke/Heart Attack (At the same time when she was in her 40's)
COPD and Emphysema *caused by YEARS of smoking*

So on top of all these things she deals with daily, she has been really struggling with pneumonia.  In the last year alone she has been hospitalized for it at least 3 times.  She is 68 but hasn't been a healthy woman since her 30's.   Well after her admission into the hospital this time things got more severe than any of the other stays.  By Thursday, she had to decide if she was willing to go on a ventilator for support with her breathing.  She agreed so she has been sedated and trying to get better for this last week.

For an old lady with a LOT of problems, she's not doing half bad.
This said, she could probably be doing much better also.

I just didn't know how serious pneumonia was to older people.
It's eye opening to see this process not only once, but twice.
my uncle joe died from pneumonia two years ago.
...she is his sister. 

BUT today is the day they start to see if she can pick back up on breathing by herself.
today is the day they see if this tough bird has beaten the odd...again.
She's pretty stubborn---so really this is an anything goes kind of game.
...she has too much nagging left to do.

***My personal reflection***
I haphazardly try to take care of my health and often think about the potentially impending family genetic traits that could be headed my's terrifying.  It's terrifying for those family members enduring those conditions now and for those of us who may have to endure those issues later.

so I will try not to dwell too much on the future.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Lasagna Soup

1 pound Ground Turkey
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1tsp Red Pepper Flakes (can omit if you want)
Salt and Pepper to taste
4 Cups Chicken Broth
4 TBSP Tomato Paste
1 can diced tomatoes
1-2 cups Any Smart Taste OR Dream Fields Noodles
(these two brands have higher fiber content than all other noodles so they balance out better than regular pasta.)

1/2 cup Cottage cheese
1/4 cup Shredded  Italian Cheese
 (this makes enough topping for 4 cups/bowls)

Brown the turkey meat in your stock pot (or the REALLY big pot you have in your cabinet)
Add your onions and garlic and cook til onions are translucent.
Add you seasonings, chicken broth, tomatoes, and tomato paste.  Stir together and bring to a boil.
Add your noodles and simmer for 10-20 minutes OR until noodles are cooked to your desired liking.

PREHEAT your oven to 375*
Place 1-2 cups (depending on your cup/bowl size) of soup into OVEN SAFE cups/bowls
Mix cottage cheese and cheese together and put a spoonful of mixture on top of the soup.
Sprinkle a little extra cheese on top
(*May want to place your cups/bowls onto a cookie sheet to avoid spillage)
Put in the oven for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted

I found this recipe on pinterest and changed it to my liking and needs.  I changed the meat to turkey, oregano to Italian seasoning, added more tomato paste, type of noodles, etc.   So you can change any of the ingredients to make it your own, too.

It was great for a cold night.
(and I don't think it was half bad for us on a nutritional level either!)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

when life gives you snow...

make snow cream!  My husband had NEVER had snow ice cream before and saw a recipe on facebook so we mad some this afternoon.  Of course we used the "lighter" version of ingredients (mainly because it's all we have!)

Snow Cream
5-7 cups of CLEAN fresh fallen snow  (original recipe calls for 4, but it was more like snow soup)
1 cup Fat Free MIlk
1/4 cup Splenda
1 tsp Vanilla extract

Mix together with a fork and enjoy a neat snow day treat!

With the 10-12 inches we have gotten today out our house, we have plenty of snow to make snow cream!
I have a good wreath on my door for January ;)
Snow love from my house to yours!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Not yo' gramma's Peach Cobbler

2 pounds FROZEN Peaches (you could use any frozen fruit you wanted!)
1 Yellow Cake Mix
1 12oz can of DIET Citrus Soda (I used sprite zero, but when my cousin Christina made this she used Diet Mt. Dew)

Preheat oven to 350*
Spray 9x13 pan with olive oil and even place your frozen peaches in the bottom.
Sprinkle on the DRY cake mix across the peaches.
Even pour the soda all over the top of the cake mix and peaches.  It will fizz a bit (which I thought was kinda neat!)

Cover the pan with foil and bake for 20 minutes.
Remove pan from oven, remove the foil and bake for another 40 minutes.

Let cool just a bit before eating :)
This cobbler serves 8 people and is only 349calories and 7g fat  per serving.
(Traditional cobbler serves 12 and has 419calories with 10g fat per serving)

Sweetness with a little less regret :)

*This is an official "Weight Watchers" recipe

Thursday, January 2, 2014

If you change nothing, nothing will change

So a new year always calls for changes. Changes that will be hard to keep. 
Change is just hard.

...why is that? 

Even when we know the current path we are on is not in our best interest we press on to avoid dealing with all the changes that ensue afterwards.

Follow through is rough.
Consistency is fleeting.
Turning back (not continuing) is our first default setting.

It is odd that this post stemmed from making some cute changes on my blog page.  Changing the format, the background, the fonts.  It was fun choosing all the new images and colors.  I was thinking to myself, "Change is always needed." 

So then why can't I completely change my eating habits?  No more junk. Less Processed foods.
Why can't I change my sedentary choices to active ones?  I mean really, is taking a walk that difficult?

I guess I answered my own question.  Change itself is not hard.  Change is always needed, is fun to think about, and easy to get started.

...It's the follow through that is hard.  Follow through takes time, energy, and patience.

Perhaps this is what I should focus on accomplishing. 
Not focusing on the change itself, but focus on the follow through of the changes that need to happen.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year!

Well I successfully made it through the holiday season with a weight gain total of:::::::: 4 pounds.

From Thanksgiving to Christmas (meaning from pies to cookies) I was able to do a decent job of controlling myself.

Clearly NO weight gained would have proven extreme control but really we all know that wasn't going to happen.

However, I feel as though 4 pounds is a decent number.  Usually this time of year I would have packed on at least 10 if not more.  I am pleased with the 4 pound gain because that will be much easier to get rid of instead of my typical 10.

Here's to a new year.
new struggles.
new triumphs.
new health risks.
new solutions.
new motivation.
new stress.
new remedies.

Take it one day at a time.

Take time to take time for myself.

Take care of what NEEDS to be taken care of (instead of what I WANT to be taken care of).