Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Life Happens

Life happened as it always does and the all the "stuff" I had going on re-prioritized itself.  My life took a turn that made me ditch the dieting and the counting and the junk that consumed my thoughts.  The only thing on my mind was the health of my uncle.  I devoted all my time and energy into my family not my food. Nothing else seemed to matter when he was struggling to live.  My uncle was given a miracle and taken off his ventilator and quickly transitioned to a rehab floor for physical therapy, but continued his hospital stay for 40 days.

After weeks of nothing but vending machines and fast food containers, my mind was able to process the junk I had been putting in my body and how it was making me feel.  I felt tired, sluggish, bloated, and unhealthy.  I was able to realize all of these things but didn't go back to weight watchers system, because I still didn't have time to devote to tracking, counting, and calculating.

The evolution of stress allowed my body to get back on track naturally without specifically having to diet or exercise.  I was able to drop 7 pounds in a month and I was able to control that weight loss even with continued trips back and forth between hospitals, trips to fast food joints, and a sedentary life style.

My Uncle and I had several conversations about his health and how he had already over come so many health challenges.  In 1996, he survived a massive heart attack that required a quadruple bi-pass surgery.  After that he quit smoking, a habit he had since age 14.  He avoided diabetes, a disease that runs heavily in our family, by eating well and staying active.  He worked at a rock quarry for over 30 years--right up until he was hospitalized in March.  He lived his life fully with traveling, and spending time with his family.

We spoke candidly about his health and wellness as well as what I needed to do to avoid some of the health challenges my genes predisposed me with (heart disease, diabetes, etc).  What we never really discussed was the elephant in the room---his cancer.  I think we didn't want to think about it.

My uncle passed on May 17th at age 71.  The man that LOVED life is gone.
 I must say I still feel shock when that phrase is said out loud.

So this summer I am going to make sure that LIFE HAPPENS but in the right way.  I want to be active, travel, eat right, and love my family.

In memory of Uncle Joe---make life happen <3