Weight watchers has been easier to grasp this second go around. PLUS it's nice not having the pressure of a wedding dress to fit into looming above my head. I have time to lose a few ounces or a pound a week. I have the mind set to be able to eat a cookie, instead of feeling nothing but guilt and then stress eat that cookie into a bigger problem.
I am still working the logistics and financial aspect of getting a treadmill at the house while maintaining a gym membership. **IF anyone would like to donate to the "Get Fit" fund all proceeds will help!** After a snaffoo of sneezing and pulling my back out of whack, we went to the gym for the first time since the beginning of January. After several chiropractor appointments I finally felt like I had the energy and strength to go again. It was a rough 30 minutes on the treadmill, but i felt accomplished. Then I did some ball exercises and stretches to help my back along then went to the weights side and did some machine work. In all I would say there was a good hour of work done on my body....and it is much felt today. There are folds and rolls that are more sore than they have been in quite some time. I will say that while it does take a bit of time out of your weekend to go to the gym, I enjoy the freedom of being able to go in and have choice of any machine I want, any equipment I want.
BONUS: you can lip sing and treadmill dance while you walk/run without fear of total embarassment.
DOUBLE BONUS : No one is there to judge you when you just lay there lifeless between sets of crunches.
Also within this blog today I would like to thank anyone and everyone who has commented in person, online, through pinterest, etc. for any and all supportive comments, suggestions, and thoughtful praise you have given. THANK YOU!!!!
And now...for the PSA of the Day: When at home with some extra times on your hands DO NOT CLEAN YOUR FRIDGE OUT. You find things that look good and then there isn't enough to make another meal out of so you dispose of it. ...and NOT in the good "garbage disposal,-give it to your dog" kind of way. You will end up eating all kinds of random things that you wouldn't typically eat for breakfast or lunch. My advice is wait til your husband gets home and make him clean it.